
From Old Church Lore by William Andrews; William Andrews & Co., The Hull Press; London, 1891; pp. 253-255, endpapers.

stylized border engraving of cherubs and interlacing vines [253]


[Click on the page numbers and it will take you to that page in the text.]

Abjuring the realm, 4

Acrobats on steeples, 244-251

Ale at weddings, 199

Alford, plague at, 164

Armour, buried in, 219

Bainbridge horn, 79

Banks and his horse Morocco, 250

Battle Abbey, 38

Bear-baiting on Sunday, 99

Bedford bridge, 51; prison, 51;
      Bunyan, 51; curious regu-
      lations, 51; chapel, 51

Bernwood forest, 72

Beverley sanctuary, 14; plague at, 160

Biddenden Maids Charity, 148-151

Bible burned, 127

Boar slaying, 74

Boiling oil, ordeal of, 24

Boiling water, ordeal of, 23

“Book of Sports,” 103

Bowling on Sunday, 97

Bradford-on-Avon bridge, 53

Bradley, plague at, 166

Brentwood Church, sanctuary in, 9

Braintree, plague at, 167

Broad-stone, East Retford, 164

Bull-baiting announced in church, 92

Buried alive, 165

Burning to death, 85

Cadman killed, 247

Carlisle horn, 75

Castleton, curious custom at, 180-182

Chapels on Bridges, 44-64

Chairs, sanctuary, 15

Charter Horns, 65-79

Cheapside Cross, 138-147

Chingford horn, 78; singular
      tenure, 79

Chimney money, 183-185

Clog almanack, 240

Coining by Archbishop of York, 38

Colchester, plague at, 169

Cold water ordeal, 25

Concerning Coffins, 218-226

Corpse, touching a, 28-36

Craven custom, 202

Cuming, H. Syer, 239

Cross, origin of, 120

Curfew Bell, 227-239

Curious Symbols of the Saints, 240-243

Danes, Sunday under, 81

Derby St. Mary’s Bridge, 54;
      chapel, 55; Jesuits, 55; St.
      James bridge, 56; plague, 161;
      rope performing, 246; Topham,

Durham sanctuary, 12-14; parish-
      coffins, 224; fatal accident to a
      rope-dancer, 251

Easingwold parish coffin, 221

Easter Sepulchre, 111-119

Eleanor, Queen, 138; crosses 138

Esk, bridge over, 46

Eyam cross, 121; plague, 170-173

Executions, 25, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 56, 85

Fight between the Mayor of Hull
      and Archbishop of York, 37-43


Fined for not attending church, 108-110

Football on Sunday, 96

Friars building bridges, 44

Grave, a man making his own, 167

Hanging, 25-37

Hastings, battle of, 86

Henry I. abolishes curfew law, 233

Hoghton Tower, James at, 102

Hot ale at weddings, 199-202

Howden parish coffin, 224

Hull merchants evading prisage
      claims, 39; Sunday regu-
      lations, 89; plague at, 95

Hungerford horn, 77; curious
      customs, 78

Indulgences, 44; 122

Ireland, burials without coffins, 221

Iron, red-hot ordeal, 27

King curing an Abbot of Indigestion, 174-176

Kissing the Bride, 195-198

Kissing customs, 78; 107

Knox and Sunday, 98

Leicester, plague at, 158-160

Lich-gates, 139-140

Lincoln, bishop of, claims right of
      hanging criminals, 37

London Bridge, 47-50; chapel on,
      48; houses on, 48; terrible
      fire, 48; heads of traitors on,

Macclesfield, curious epitaph, 225

Manchester sanctuary, 6-7

Manx laws, 192

Markets on Sunday, 86-89

Marriage of a Blue-coat boy, 207

Marriages on Sunday, 98

Marrying Children, 203-209

Marrying under the gallows, 191-194

Marrying in a white sheet, 186-190

Masques on Sunday, 95

Mint belonging to Archbishop of
      York, 38

Murder in Westminster Abbey, 8-9

New England, Sunday in, 107-108

New York, curious marriage custom, 194

Nigel’s horn, 72

Norfolk, Sunday trading in, 91

Northampton, fire at, 183; hearth
      money, 184; cross, 139, 141

Oak leaves, carrying, 179

Ordeal, origin of, 22

Oxford, play at, 95

Passing Bell, 210-217

Penance of Jane Shore, 125

Penderel’s grave, 178

Plagues and Pestilences, 152-173;
      business stopped, 152; watch
      and ward, 153; red crosses on
      doors, 154; dogs killed, 154;
      strange remedies, 155; New-
      castle, 158; Leicester, 158;
      Derby, 162; Smoking, 163;
      Broad-stone, East Retford,
      164; Alford, 164; burial of
      dead, 165; buried alive, 165;
      Stratford-on-Avon, 165; Brad-
      ley, 165; Braintree, 167; Col-
      chester, 169; Collections, 170;
      Eyam, 170

Plays on Sunday, 92-96

Preaching, extravagant, 133

Puritans and Sunday, 101; 104-107

Pusey horn, 70

Reading Abbey, 174

Red-hot iron ordeal, 27

Rhyne Toll, 73

Right of Sanctuary, 1-21

Ringing on May 29th, 183

Romance of Trial, 22-36

Rotherham Bridge, 56; chapel, 56

Rope dancers, 244-251

St. Paul’s Cross, 120-137; oaths
      taken at, 122; thrown down
      by an earthquake, 122; indul-
      gences granted for assisting to
      rebuild it, 122; penance at,
      124-125; sermon in favour of
      the Duke of Gloucester, 126;
      Bible burned at, 127; riot at,
      128; Queen Elizabeth’s love of
      display, 129; Hooker at Shuna-
      mite House, 131; rioters at,
      131; James I. at, 133; pulled
      down, 136

Sales, etc., announced by parish
      clerks, 92


Salford bridge, 51; chapel on, 51;
      prison on, 51

Salisbury, tricks on steeple at, 245;
      Cadman killed, 247

Sanctuary, origin of, 1

Santuary, right of, 1-21

Saxons, Sunday under, 82

Sorcery at Dalkeith, 35

Scotchman knocking at York gates, 102

Scotland, early marriages in, 209

Secrets of the realm, disclosing, 5

Services and customs of Royal Oak
      Day, 179-185

Shunamite House, 131

Skelton in Westminster sanctuary, 10

Slavery in England, 84

Sports on Sunday, 100

Stafford sanctuary, 11

Stage plays in churches, 92-96

Stockton-on-Tees parish coffin, 223

Stoning to death, 85

Stratford-on-Avon, plague at, 165

Sunday in the Olden Time, 81-110

Survival of ordeal, 36

Swords, wearing, 5

Tax on coffins proposed, 225

Tewkesbury, battle of, 7

Thief, hanging a, 37

Traitor’ heads on London bridge, 49

Travelling in the olden time, 79

Trial, romance of, 22-36

Tobacco fines, 108

Touch, ordeal of, 28-36

Ulphus, horn of, 65

Wakefield Bridge, 59; chapel, 59;
      battle, 60

Walking on Sunday forbidden, 107

Water ordeals, 24-25

Westminster Sanctuary, 10

Wigton, meat at church door, 90

William I. enforces curfew law, 233

Whipping to death, 86

Whitton, marriage custom at, 199

Worcester, Sunday trading at, 90;
      battle of, 178

York gates closed on Sunday, 101

York bridge over Ouse, 50; chapel, 50

Youghal, parish coffin, 221

[The End]

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