blueprint of elfinspell court of the muses: Index to The Exhibits By TYPE ( as in fiction: short or long, poetry, humor, non- fiction, history, etc. i.e., The works online) Elf Line A Rough (very rough) Index By Author and Period New Stuff The log of the additions to the site over the years, with some very old puns limericks and jokes. Occasional new silly stuff -- including limericks, jokes and puns are also here REAP THE BOUNTY: SOUVENIRS to take home Don't Just Donate, get something awesome! My Liary : only available on Elfinspell! (the perfect gift for those we know who need a great, big, but funny, hint) Pre-diamonds ORIGINAL T-SHIRTS opening exhibit: An Italian Portrait Gallery by Paolo Giovio translated from the Latin by F. A. Gragg Contact |
This site is constantly under construction: see details somewhere on this page (we hope) |
These pages: the website design and content may change whenever doing so becomes an irresistible urge for someone with access to the control panel and some software or script to mess around with: Todays possessed website designer is: straydoc using a combination of Yahoo and Trellix sitebuilders and elementary hand coding --- having a fine time dodging real work |