Polymnia is the muse of sacred song. Here you will find the works of the faithful. Here also, will be found matters of ethics and morals, metaphysics and philosophy and other unique matters occupying the minds of human beings. The spirit at Elfinspell is one of tolerance to all--our philosophy of what we don't include on this page, i.e., examples of fanaticism and intolerance, can be better stated by William Makepeace Thackeray's definition here. We also agree with Dr. Byrn's stance here. Other than that general premise the works inspired by faith, any faith, are welcome. A charming twelfth century legend is here, too: Our Lady's Tumbler, translated by P. H. Wicksteed (It is also linked through Terpsichore, because it has dancing, sort of, and would make a wonderful play!) Another legend suborned by the Christians from pagan literature and adapted for their purposes, is this excerpt from the Gesta Romanorum. This book is a collection of short pieces compiled in the Middle Ages. This one is in the common allegorical style. The excerpt is Of Christ, who, by his Passion, delivered us from Hell. The Return of the Golden Age, (The Messianic Eclogue) by Virgil, translated by Sir Charles Bowen. Along with it, to compare: A Sacred Eclogue in Imitation of Virgil's Pollio by Alexander Pope. There is also a lyrical and powerful excerpt from a sermon, The Return of Prayers, by the Reverend Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667) here. The Sibyl speaks! .... sort of, in: The Sibylline Oracles, translated into English by Milton S. Terry. The Adventures of Istar, from "The Chaldean Account of Genesis," translated by George Smith. Ancient Indian Hymns, translated, with essay, by Sir Monier Monier-Williams is up. Hymn to the Nile, from Ancient Egypt about 1500 B. C. Hymn to the God Merodach, An Akkadian Psalm (3000 BC). The Hymn of Cleanthes, a third century B. C. Stoic Philospher. A prayer of Saint Ambrose, or Ambrosius, Bishop of Milan, 4th century. Some extracts of the works of Lyman Abbott, a famous American pastor and writer at the turn of the 20th century, on The Old Testament, on Jesuits, and on the Theory of Evolution by a theologist. Lord Chesterfield on Lying. A lyrical prayer by St. Francis of Assisi, in both Italian and English. A Letter by Saint Boniface, and other bishops, to King AEthelbald (Ethelbald), King of Mercia in the 8th century, recalling him to virtue. The rest of the English Correspondence of Saint Boniface is online to, edited and translated by William Kylie. These give a good idea of the beliefs, thoughts and hopes of 8th century nuns and monks. A chapter on John Scotus, (John the Scot), by Reginald Lane Poole, who admired the man for his belief in the essential goodness of God. Also by Poole, the Appendix material on additional information on John the Scot. Short and Sweet, but with all the nuts and bolts and a few odd bits of hardware: Greek and Roman Mythology and Heroic Legend, by Professor Hermann Steuding, edited and translated by Lionel D. Barnett, of the British Museum. A reminder that the "religious," are too often found to be irreligious, here's what Major-General Charles Lee, in his will:
in any church or churchyard, or within a mile of any presbyterian or anabaptist meeting-house; for since I have resided in this country, I have kept so much bad company while living, that I do not choose to continue it while dead.” The Study of Philosophy encompassed Religion in the Classical Period, see what it entailed in Rome, by a pagan philosopher in the early years of the Christian era, by reading The Teachings of Epictetus: Being the ‘Encheiridion of Epictetus,’ with Selections from the ‘Dissertations’ and ‘Fragments.’, translated from the Greek, with Introduction and Notes, by T. W. Rolleston, (the Americanized version, probably pirated by some good Christians in Chicago.) With some references to medieval customs and habits, secular and holy, here are some sermons from the most popular preachers until the Reformation, with an excellent overview by the editor: No Uncertain Sound, Sermons That Shaped the Pulpit Tradition, edited, with an introduction, by Ray C. Petry. |