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From Convivial Caledonia, Inns and Taverns of Scotland, and Some Famous People Who Have Frequented Them, by Robert Kempt, London: Chapman and Hall, LD., 1893; pp. 153-157.




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ABERDEEN Lodge of Freemasons,    19.

Aberdeen Philosophers, Society of,    8.

“A Cup of Bon-Accord,”    24.

A Faithful Retainer,    152.

Ainslie, Robert,    70.

Alexander, Dr. Lindsay,    79.

Allan, William, M.P., Verses by,    53.

Ambrose’s,    84.

Ancient laws on licencing,    5,    23.

“Anna wi’ the gowden locks,”    99.

An early Forbes MacKenzie Act,    5.

Argyll, Duke of,    88.

A Tappit Hen,    81.

“A Tour in the Alcoholic Districts,    1.

Auld Reekie, Taverns of,    67.

Autobiography of Flora Macdonald,    33.

Aytoun, Professor,    1,    106,    112.


“BAILEYS INN,” Inverness,    35.

Balmawhapple, Laird of,    128.

Beattie, James, of “The Minstrel,”    8,    51.

Begbie’s Inn, Kilmarnock,    144.

Bell, Sheriff Glassford,    106,    108.

Blackie, Professor,    90.

Blair, Dr. Hugh,    76.

Blane, Neil, Tillietudlem,    121.

“Blue Bell,” Inn, Dundee,    44.

“Boar’s Head Tavern,”    6.

Bon-Accord, Conviviality in ,    2.

Bon-Accord, Cup of,    24.

Boswell, Sir Alexander,    134.

Boswell and Johnson,    12,    13,    15,    17,    68,    85.

Bradwardine, Baron of,    128.

Brewster, Sir David,    106.

Bright, John, M.P.,    56.

Brooks, Shirley,    57.

“Brownhill” Inn,    94.

Buchan, Luckie,    127.

Burns, Gilbert,    90,    146.

Burns, Mrs., defends the poet,    100.

Burns, Robert, Convivial haunts of,    85.

Burns, Robert, and Nasmyth,    86.

Burns, Robert, Epigrams by,    87.

Burns, Robert, sale of his snuff-box,    95.

Burns, Robert, Carlyle on,    96.

Burns, Robert, Relics of,    98.

Burns, Robert, as an Exciseman,    101.

Burns, Robert, and James Hogg,    108.

Burns, Robert, and Auld Killie,    144.

Burns, Robert, and Neil Gow,    148.


CAMPBELL, Prof. George,    9.


Carlyle, Dr. Alexander,    77.

Carlyle, Thomas,    96.

Carruthers, Robert,    56.

Celebrated Taverns of Auld Reekie,    67.

Chambers, Robert,    42,    91,    106.

Christopher North and Hogg,    106    112.

Claret, port, and whisky,    59.

Cleishbotham, Jedediah    118.

“Cleriheugh’s,” Edinburgh,    77,    96.

Clerk, John, of Eldin,    76.

Clubs: The “Easy Club,”    69.

Clubs: The “Helter-Skelter Club,”    131.

Clubs: The “Nine Tumbler Club,”    27.

Clubs: The “Poker Club,”    75.

Clubs: The “Wise Club,”    8.

Cockburn, Lord,    27,    77.

Colman, George,    13.

Colonel Mannering,    80.

Convivial haunts of Burns,    85.

Conviviality in Bon-Accord,    8.

Craigieburn,    89.

Cream, Billy,    50.

“Cross Keys” Inn,    133.

Cunningham, Allan,    106,    107,    108.

Cup of Bon-Accord, A,    24.

Cup, The Stirrup,   143.


DANDIE Dinmont,    65,    80.

Defoe visits Aberdeen,    3.

De Quincey, Thomas,    106,    112.

Dickens, Charles,    30.

Dick Tinto,    117.

Dods, Jenny,    125.

Dods, Meg,    129.

“Douglas Tavern,” Edinburgh,    70.

Dr. Bonum Magnum,    77.

Drummond of Hawthornden,    70,    85.

“Drumnadrochit Inn,”    56.

“Drunk, by Jove!”    80.

Drunkenness, Penalties for,    5,    23.

Duffus, Lord, and his claret,    118.

Dumfries,    87,    97.

Dunmore, Lord, and his pigtail,    57.


“EASY Club,” The,    69.

Edinburgh, Taverns of,    67.

Edinburgh, Entertainment in,    71.

Elgin, Dr. Johnson’s visit to,    17.

Elibank, Lord,    76.

Ellon, Dr. Johnson’s visit to,    15.

English and Scotch inns,    2,    6,    7.

Ettrick Shepherd,    105.

Excise, Cheating the,    102.


FARQUHAR, John,    11.

Fashionable entertainment in 1775,    71.

Fatal Quarrel at an inn,    18.

Ferguson, Robert, poet,    82.

Finnan Haddocks and Partan Claws,    20.

First-footing,    135.

Fletcher, Laurence,    13.

Flora Macdonald and Prince Charlie,    33.

Flora Macdonald, her narrow escape,    36.

Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden,    59.

Forbes, Sir William,    4.

Forbes Mackenzie Act,    5.

Fordyce, Dr., a bon-vivant,    80.

Forster, John,    30.

“Fortune’s Tavern,”    70.


“GARDENSTONE Arms,”    49.

Gardenstone, Lord,    48.

Gascony wine,    23.

Gavin Hamilton,    92.

George the Fourth, and Scotch whisky,    42.


George the Fourth, in Edinburgh,    67.

George the Fourth, his wine cellar,    63.

Gladstone and light wines,    62.

Glenmutchkin Railway, The,    1.

“Globe Inn,” Dumfries,    96.

Glover, Jean,    147.

“Gordon Arms” Inn,    22,    126.

Gordon, Duke of    26.

Gout, new cure for,    142.

Gow, Neil, and Burns,    148.

Gregory, Dr. James,    76.

Gregory, Dr. John,    9,    11.


HALL, Mrs., of Ferrybridge,    129.

Handsel Monday,    141.

Highland Innkeepers, alleged rapacity of,    52.

Highland Innkeeper’s defence,    55.

Highland Innkeeper’s Prayer,    53.

Highland Inns, Charles Dickens on    30.

Highland Inns visited by Royalty,    45.

Highland wayside inn tragedy,    36.

History of Signboards,    1.

Hogg, James, Wordsworth’s tribute to,    105.

Hogg, James, Tibbie’s opinion of him,    106.

Hogg, James, his convivial habits,    107.

Hogg, James, his death and monument,    107.

Hogg, James, and Robert Burns,    108.

Hogg, James, and Christopher North,    108.

Hume, David, and John Home,    60,    76.

“Huntly Arms” Inn,    115.

Huntly, Marquis of,    20.


INEBRIETY, punishment for,    5,    23.

“Invercauld Arms” Hotel,    43.

Innkeeper’s daughter, an,    35.

Innkeeper’s, Highland,    33,    52.

Islay Parliaments and whisky,    149.


JAMES I., Licensing Act by,    3.

James VI., Licensing Act by,    5.

Jean Lorimer,    89,    99.

Jedediah Cleishbotham,    118.

Jenny Dods of Howgate,    125.

Johnson, Dr. S., visits Aberdeen,    12.

Johnson, Dr. S., appreciates Scotch broth,    12.

Johnson, Dr. S., is made a Burgess,    13.

Johnson, Dr. S., and the plasterer,    14.

Johnson, Dr. S., visits Ellon,    15.

Johnson, Dr. S., visits Elgin,    17.

Johnson, Dr. S., visits Edinburgh,    68.

Johnson, Dr. S., visits Roslin,    85.

Johnson, Dr. S., Anecdote of, by Northcote,    86.

Johnson, Dr. S., and Lady Macleod,    86.

“Jolly Beggars,” scene of the,    90.


KAMES Lord,    76.

Kilbegie whisky,    90.


LANDLORDS and Landladies,    114.

Lauchie MacTavish’s Prayer,    53.

Laurencekirk, Inn at,    48.

Laurencekirk snuff-boxes,    51.

“Lemon Tree” Inn,    20.


Lockhart, Gibson,    97,    106,    112.

Lorimer, Jean    89,    99.

“Lovely Polly Stewart,    99.

Luckie Buchan,    127.

Luckie Macleary,    127.


M‘ALPIN, Sergeant,    120.

MacAlpine, Widow,    125.

MacCandlish, Mrs.,    126.

Macleary, Luckie,    127.

Macleod, Lady, and Dr. Johnson,    86.

Masson, Professor David,    14.

Mauchline, Six Belles of,    92.

Meg Dods,    129.

Melville, Lord,    76.

“Mermaid” Tavern,    6.

Millais, Sir John, R.A.,    56.

Minto, Lord,    76.

“Mitre” Tavern,    97.

Montrose, Marquise of,    20,    44.



Nasmyth and Burns,    86.

Neil Blane,    121.

Neil Gow and Burns,    148.

“New Inn,” Aberdeen,    12,    18.

Nicol, Willie, and Burns,    70.

“Nine Tumbler” Club,    27.

“Noctes Ambrosianæ,”    84.

Northcote,    86.


OLD-TIME conviviality,    8.

Oyster-cellar in Edinburgh, an,    72.



Penalties for inebriety,    5.

Pendilburrie, Sir Thos.,    24.

Philip, John, R.A.,    22,    56.

Pleydell, Councillor,    80.

“Poker Club,” The,    75.

Poosie Nansie on Burns,    91.

Port, claret, and whisky,    59.

Portree, Old inn at,    33.

Pretender, the Elder,    43.

Prince Charlie and Flora Macdonald,    33.

Prince Charlie, his life saved by an innkeeper’s daughter,    35.

Prince Charlie, his convivial habits,    41.

Prince Consort, his favourite wine,    63.

Prince of Wales, his favourite wine,    62.

Private hospitality,    3.

Pultney, Sir W.,    76.


QUEEN VICTORIA and village inns,    45.

Queen Victoria, her wine cellar,    63.



“Ramsay Arms,” Inn,    47.

Ramsay, Dean,    27,    49,    50.

“Red Lion” Inn, Elgin,    17.

Reid, Dr. Thomas,    8.

Retainer, A Faithful,    152.

Richardson, Mrs.,    105.

Richardson, William,    112.

Riddell, Scott,    106.

Ritchie, Miss,    133.

Robertson, Dr. Joseph,    19,    20.

“Roslin” Inn, visited by Johnson and Boswell,    85.

“Roslin” Inn, visited by Burns and Nasmyth,    86.

Ross, Prof. John, his strange death,    11.

“Royal Oak” Inn,    23.


SANDY PATRICKS Tavern,    146.

Scot and Sot,    66.

Scotch and English inns,    2.

Sergeant M‘Alpin,    120.

“Shakespeare” Tavern,    71.

Shiel, Tibbie,    105.


Signboard humour,    21.

Signboards, History of,    1.

Sir Walter Scott,    27,    30,    70,    96,    106,    111.

Sir Walter Scott, his landlords, etc.,    114.

Six-bottle men,    27.

Skene, David,    11.

“Skipper Anderson’s House,”    19.

Smellie, William,    70.

Smith, Adam,    11,    76.

Souter Johnnie,    93.

St. Mary’s Cottage,    105.

“Star and Garter,” Inn,    77.

Stewart, Professor,    11,    50.


“TABARD” Inn,    6.

Tam O’Shanter and Souter Johnnie,    93.

“Tam O’Shanter” Inn,    94.

Tarbolton Freemasons,    96.

Thackeray, W. M.,    56.

The “Black Bull” Inn,    89.

The “Blue Bell” Inn,    44.

The “Bonny Wife’s” Inn,    20.

The “Easy Club,”     69.

The “Helter-Skelter Club,”     131.

The “Jolly Beggars,”    90.

The “Nine Tumbler Club,”     27.

The “Poker Club,”    75.

The “Star and Garter” Inn,    77.

The Stirrup Cup,    143.

The Wassail Bowl,    135.

The “White Horse” Inn,    66.

The “Wise Club,”     8.

Tibbie Shiel and the Ettrick Shepherd,    105.

Tinto, Dick,    117.

Toddy, New way to make,    63.

Topham’s letters from Edinburgh,    71.


“UNION TAVERN,” The,    71.

“Up in the Morning Early,”    26.


VISITORS’ book, Drumnadrochit,    56.


“WALLACE ARMS,” The,    117.

Wassail Bowl, The,    135.

Webster, Dr. Alexander,    77.

Whisky and Islay Parliaments,    149.

Whisky, different blends of,    59.

Whisky, Kilbegie,    90.

Whisky, new way to treat,    63.

Whisky, port, and claret,    59.

“White Horse” Inn, The,    66.

Williamson, Peter,    81.

“Wise Club,” The    8.

Wordsworth on James Hogg,    105.


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