Online Introduction to:
Quirks and Quibbles From Queer Quarters,
by Albert Southwick.
It’s pretty amazing how popular trivia has been through history. In 1886, this book came out in its SIXTH edition!
Southwick has made a dandy collection, with 600 morsels of odd but interesting information. He has compiled short readable answers to questions that normally never occur to a person to ask. Once you see the query and its solution, though, the knowledge is welcome. As any good trivia should, you are drawn from one question to the next almost involuntarily. A lot, too, is worth passing along to your friends and neighbors.
Since the book was written in the 19th century, some of the information is outdated, especially some of the scientific matter and the geography, so be warned. In literature and history, much is unchanged.
The Index was placed in the front of the book, and after 2 years, the absolute tedium of typing it and linking it to the appropriate questions is finally complete. This was a major chore, in case you were wondering, and took longer to do than typing up the entire book!
The Index was not in strict alphabetical order and this was left unchanged. As usual, several emendations, one significant, have been corrected and the original text is in the source code.
Bet you find something you didn't know before! — S. R.
Copyright © 2004 by Elfinspell