From Quizzism and Its Key. Quirks and Quibbles from Queer Quarters. A Mélange of Questions in Literature, Science, History, Biography, Mythology, Philology, Geography, etc. etc. With Their Answers, by Albert P. Southwick, A. M.; New England Publishing Company, Boston; 1886; pp. vii-xxii.
[Click on the Question or its page number and you will be magically flown straight to it.]
[You will see that the entries are not in perfect alphabetical order, in accordance with the written copy.]
Adoption of Bible as Constitution 5
Adoption of Stars and Stripes 92
A famous beauty stoned to death 174
A fugitive king concealed in a tree 132
Age of Delaware and Rhode Island 113
“A good poet, but a poor shoemaker” 135
American Daughters of Liberty 97
An army officer at the age of eleven 105
Animals noted for the golden tint of their skin 141
Animal that never perspires 141
Aristotle, the founder of Botany 181
Assassin of William, Prince of Orange 99
Attack upon Indian town of Mississinewa 133
Author born on board a slave ship 133
Author of “Angels’ visits,” etc. 127
Author of “Early to bed,” etc. 177
Author of “For he that fights,” etc. 46
Author of “Our country, right or wrong” 77
Author of “Maryland, my Maryland” 41
Author of “Speech was given to conceal one’s thoughts” 91
Author of “What will Mrs. Grundy say?” 170
Author of “Whatever is worth doing at all,” etc. 175
Becoming king by first seeing sun rise 159
Beginning of funeral orations 197
Benedict Arnold’s assumed name 22
Bird [error for Beast] supposed to be the “Cony” of Scripture 144
Bird used by Chinese for fishing 145
Bloodless victory to the Americans 191
Boundary between United States and Canada 58
Brazilian slave gaining freedom 11
British force surrendering to a log 21
Building bridge of boats across Hudson 102
Captain John Smith’s life saved 31
Cause of “Sicilian Vespers” 89
Cause of slaughter of the Magi 81
Cause of Washington being called American Fabius 167
Cause of white streaks on plastered wall 73
City built on five small islands 62
City built on twenty-six islands 3
Connecting link between birds and reptiles 25
Crowned king on the field of battle 205
Death of noted conqueror on eve of marriage 150
Derivation of word “punch” 128
Destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii 37
Detecting the waters of the Amazon 20
Did George Washington see a steamboat? 113
Difference between a Bison and a Buffalo 142
Discovery of the Icthyosaurus 73
Discovery of magnetic power of copper wire 116
Does the porcupine throw his quills? 144
Doubling of the letter “y”? 116
Drinking the burnt remains (ashes) of her brother 188
Drinking vessels formed of human skulls 107
Driving last spike of the U. P. Railroad 57
Eclipse of moon causes defeat 43
Eclipse of sun terminates a batle 104
English king holds stirrup for the Pope 57
Escape of a Pope from prison 109
Establishment of republic of Andorra 148
Familiar story of Sysla and a king 57
Famous sword captured by John Brown 15
Fifteen hundred people trampled to death 98
First American vessels to circumnavigate the globe 100
First appearance of actresses 179
First to ascertain the ratio of the diameter to the circumference 160
First commencement at Harvard College 105
First commercial transaction 21
First circumnavigation of the globe 67
First conjecture of spheroidal form of the earth 118
First engagement of Revolution 111
First English child born in America 102
First feat of pedestrianism 86
First Indian to become a Christian 80
First knowledge of the fan 197
First martyr to American liberty 4
First proposer of secession 24
First ship built in America 39
First theatre in America built 139
First use of expression “Almighty Dollar” 50
First use of phrase “Over the left” 152
First use of post-paid envelopes 153
First use of the Clepsydra 184
Fish living high on lofty trees 15
Fish who stick their heads in the mud 72
Fish with four beards hanging from the mouth 144
For what was Barataria Bay noted? 180
Frequent quotation from Samuel Butler 187
Gaining three victories in a single day 139
Gift of a diamond ring to a Quaker 117
Governor of Delaware captured 102
Gray’s misapplied quotation 33
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 170
Highest fortress in the world 63
History of the derivation of the dollar sign 74
History of the House of Plantagenet 202
History of the Orloff Diamond 13
Horse-shoe becoming an omen 77
How Bonaparte’s life was saved 106
How the Bonapartes derived the name of Napolean 91
How Captain Cook was killed 199
How do leafless plants respire 140
How did the character £ come in use 74
How far can flying fishes fly? 121
How a fortune was left to son of Henry Laurens 108
How General Rahl lost his life 40
How Glaucus obtained divine rank 69
How the Liberty Tree was consecrated 100
How Lord Kingsale acquired his special privilege 172
How many Athenians fell at Marathon? 80
How often do birds moult their feathers? 142
How the shamrock came into use as a badge 137
How the buttercup derived its name 131
How the capitol of Rome derived its name 183
How the dahlia derived its name 193
How the Minié Rifle obtained its name 190
How the thistle became the insignia of Scotland 211
How the gift of prophecy was obtained 68
How Xerxes counted his army 42
Idleness punished by death 194
Indians scalped by white men 13
Insects injurious to books 119
Introduction of slaves into Virginia 135
Last battle of the Revolution 109
Latest accession of United States Territory 8
Location of Captain Smith’s “Summer Isles” 80
Location of garden of the Hesperides 68
Lord Cornwallis and his horse 34
Made king by the neighing of his horse 136
Massacre of one hundred thousand Romans 190
Material of breastworks at New Orleans 163
Meaning of expression “Nestor of politics” 168
Meaning of Maunday-Thursday 188
Meaning of phrase “A Roland for an Oliver” 168
Meaning of “Remember the Raisin” 200
Meaning of “Sardonic Smile” 175
Meaning of the phrase “Cæsar’s wife,” etc. 127
Meaning of the word Assassin 120
Meeting of Columbus with his brother 103
Military order instituted by Philip the Good 177
Most curious book in the world 162
Most destructive earthquake on record 36
Murmuring noise of sea-shells 23
Mutiny of crew of the Bounty 83
Name of the Indian that shot King Philip 62
Name of isthmus connecting Crimea with mainland 201
Name of longest street in Paris 122
Nearest American town to Europe 63
Noted chair in Bodleian Library 128
Occasion of bad odor of burnt gunpowder 146
Offering a reward for her brother’s head 14
Oldest republic in the world 44
Order of the Garter established 171
Origin of common saying “Eaten me out,” etc. 186
Origin of expression “Knock under” 53
Origin of familiar line “Hypocrisy is,” etc. 176
Origin of kissing the Pope’s toe 53
Origin of phrase “A little bird,” etc. 126
Origin of phrase “Kicking the bucket” 166
Origin of phrase “Sub rosa” 47
Origin of superstition regarding the number 13 6
Origin of the fable of the “Man in the moon” 206
Origin of the name of Lake Itasca 176
Origin of the sycamore groves in Scotland 138
Origin of “To let the cat out of the bag” 132
Original cause exempting Congressmen from arrest 196
Original legend of Gulliver’s Travels 208
Peculiar properties of salt 29
People regarding Friday as a lucky day 60
People using 355 days for a year 16
Philomela changed into a nightingale 68
Place where Captain John Smith was saved by Pocahontas 64
Plant producing sixty-six millions of cells 141
Plumage of birds rendered waterproof 143
Possessor of the largest diamond 12
Prediction of the death of Cyrus 175
Punishment by cutting off the hair 178
Quicksilver, a nickname for mercury 35
Quotation from Travels of Gulliver 18
Quotations from William Congreve 205
Quotation from William Shenstone 5
Quotations from speech of William Wirt 5
Reason of the promise of Columbus 103
Reason of circular boundary of Delaware 28
Rent paid by Lord Baltimore 98
Reply of Leonidas to Xerxes 166
Revolutionary officer kept prisoner at Jamaica 123
River of acid water and of ink 36
River of poetic inspiration 131
Sayings of the Seven Wise Men 15
Signification of “I have a crow,” etc. 135
Sign of a wine-shop at Pompeii 129
Snuff box sold for thirty dollars 130
Spy swallowing the evidence of his guilt 59
Stalactites and stalagmites 11
“Starving Time” in Virginia 64
Stone that imparted the gift of prophecy 207
Stopping the pulsation of the heart 29
St. Petersburg and its location 5
Story of the remains of James II. 54
Story of the diamond necklace 194
Story of the Kilkenny cats 132
Supertition regarding “burning ear” 209
Termination of reign of gigantic reptiles 72
The eleven thousand virgins 174
The Governor with twenty brothers 121
The Greek woman attending Plato’s lectures 118
The killer of all people but three 167
The “short-lived” administration 137
The Sultan who strangled nineteen brothers 133
The three angels who warned Abraham 207
The “three joyous messages” 90
The three nations of Amazons 147
The tune of which the cow died 174
The tradition of St. Patrick and the serpent 212
The transformation of the pious couple 69
The two Spartans who left the “Pass” 41
To whom were a bird, mouse, etc., sent? 79
To whom were raised 360 brazen statues? 123
What country has never been conquered? 180
When did cats, dogs, etc., cause the capture of a city? 79
When was an infant the only being saved? 106
Where did Newton see the apple fall? 50
Where did John Falstaff drop his lance? 97
Where was Nephelo-coccygia? 203
Who called Shakespeare “the myriad-minded”? 176
Who died in consequence of a “ducking”? 205
Who first said “There’s many a slip” etc.? 136
Who first saw the New World? 7
Who said “Après moi le deluge”? 166
Who was liberated in exchange for General Burgoyne? 134
Who were the “seven sleepers”? 17
Whose head was fixed on London Bridge? 103
Why Adrian’s wall was built 147
Why alligators swallow stones 160
Why a body falls east of a vertical line 122
Why does lightning turn milk sour? 59
Why did no person die in England for eleven days? 114
Why Goldsmith wrote She Stoops to Conquer 209
Why have July and August each thirty-one days? 115
Why is fresh water frozen when enclosed by liquid salt-water? 117
Why John Cleves Symmes is remembered 98
Why metal Tungsten has the symbol W 142
Why Passion Flower was so named 208
Why was Temple of Piety built? 139
Why stones do not burn as well as wood 71
Wine worth two millions of dollars a bottle 165
Writer of 278 poems before the age of seventeen 102
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