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From Fables & Folk-Tales from an Eastern Forest, Collected and Translated by Walter Skeat, M.A., Illustrated by F. H. Townsend; Cambridge: At the University Press; 1901; pp. 62-63.



IN the beginning the country of Kĕlántan contained eighteen hundred souls. But one day a great Feast was made for a Circumcision, and all manner of beasts were pitted to fight against each other. There were fights between elephants and fights between buffaloes and fights between bullocks and fights between goats, and at the last there were fights between dogs and cats.

And when the fights took place between dogs and cats a great Flood came down from the mountains, and overwhelmed the people that dwelt in the plains. And they were all drowned in that flood, save only some two or three menials who had been sent up into the Hills to collect firewood.


Then the sun, moon and stars were extinguished, and there was a great darkness. And when light returned, there was no land but a great sea, and all the habitations of man had been overwhelmed.

Tail-piece: Black and white woodcut of a tortoise.


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