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From Count Lucanor; of the Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio, written by the Prince Don Juan Manuel and first done into English by James York, M. D., 1868;; Gibbings & Company, Limited; London; 1899; pp. xiii-xvi.
CHAP I. — Relates to what happened to a Moorish king of Cordova. 4
CHAP II. — Treats of that which happened to Lorenzo Suarez Gallinato, and Garciperez of Vargas, and another knight. 8
CHAP III. — Treats of that which happened to Don Rodrigo el Franco and his knights. 14
CHAP IV. — Of a Hermit who sought to know whom he should have for his companion in Paradise, and of the leap made by King Richard of England.21
CHAP V. — Of that which happened to the Emperor Frederick and Don Alvar Fañez, with their wives. 29
CHAP VI. — Of that which happened to the Count of Provence and Saladin the Sultan of Babylon. 42
CHAP VII. — Of that which happened to a King and three Impostors. 52
CHAP VIII. — What happened to a King with a man who called himself an Alchymist. 58
CHAP IX. — Of that which happened to two Cavaliers who were in the service of the Infant Prince Henry. 64
CHAP X. — Concerning what happened to a Seneschal of Carcasona. 69
CHAP XI. — Of that which happened to a Moor who had a Sister pretending to be alarmed at any ordinary occurrence. 73
CHAP XII. — Of that which happened to a Dean of Santiago, with Don Illan, the Magician, who lived at Toledo. 77
CHAP XIII. — What happened to King Ben Abit, of Seville, with Queen Romaquia, his wife. 85
CHAP XIV. — Concerning what happened to a Lombardian, in Bologna. 89
CHAP XV. — What Count Fernan Gonzales said to Nuno Lainez. 92
CHAP XVI. — Of what happened to Don Rodrigo Melendez de Valdez. 95
CHAP XVII. — Concerning that which happened to a great Philosopher and a young King, his pupil. 99
CHAP XVIII. — Relates what happened to a Moorish King, who had three Sons, and who desired to know which would become the best Man. 105
CHAP XIX. — Of that which happened to the Canons of the Cathedral Church of Paris, and to the Friars of Saint Francis, called Minors. 112
CHAP XX. — Of that which happened to a Falcon and a Heron, and, more particularly, to a cunning Falcon, which belonged to the Infant Don Manuel. 115
CHAP XXI. — Recounts what happened to Count Fernan Gonzalez, and the Reply which he gave to his Vassals. 119
CHAP XXII. — Of that which happened to a King and his Favourite. 122
CHAP XXIII. — What happened to a good Man and his Son, leading a beast to market. 129
CHAP XXIV. — Of what a Genovese said to his soul when about to die. 135
CHAP XXV. — What happened to the Crow, with the Fox. 137
CHAP XXVI. — What happened to the Swallow, with the other birds, when he saw the flax sown. 142
CHAP XXVII. — Relates what happened to a Man who carried a very precious Treasure hung round his neck, and who had to pass a River. 144
CHAP XXVIII. — Of what happened to a woman called Truhana. 147
CHAP XXIX. — Of that which happened to a Man who was suffering from a malady and whose liver had to be cleansed. 150
CHAP XXX. — Of what happened to a man who through poverty and lack of other food, was reduced to eat some peas. 151
CHAP XXXI. — What happened to a Cock and a Fox. 154
CHAP XXXII. — What happened to a Man catching Partridges. 157
CHAP XXXIII. — Relates to what happened to a Man with his Friend who had invited him to dinner. 159
CHAP XXXIV. — What happened to the Owls and the Crows. 161
CHAP XXXV. — The advice which Patronio gave to Count Lucanor, when he said he wished to enjoy himself, illustrated by the example of that which happened to the Ants. 165
CHAP XXXVI. — Of that which happened to a good Man and his Son, who boasted of having many Friends. 168
CHAP XXXVII. — Relates to what happened to the Lion and the Bull. 174
CHAP XXXVIII. — Relates to the advice which Patronio gave to Count Lucanor, when he expressed a desire to obtain a good reputation; and the example was what happened to a Philosopher who was suffering from a severe illness. 178
CHAP XXXIX. — Of what happened to a man who was made Governor of a large territory. 182
CHAP XL. — Of that which happened to Good and Evil, illustrated by what occurred to a Man with a Madman. 185
CHAP XLI. — Of the association between Truth and Falsehood. 191
CHAP XLII. — Of what happened to a Fox who pretended to be dead. 195
CHAP XLIII. — What happened to two blind Men travelling together. 198
CHAP XLIV. — Of what happened to a young Man on his Wedding Day.200
CHAP XLV. — Of what happened to a Merchant who went to buy brains. 207
CHAP XLVI. — What happened to a Man with a grey Sandpiper and a Swallow. 212
CHAP XLVII. — What happened to the Devil, with a Woman who went on a pilgrimage. 214
CHAP XLVIII. — The advice which Patronio gave to Count Lucanor when informed that a Man had offered to teach him the art of foretelling coming events, which he exemplified by what happened to a good Man who became first rich and afterwards poor by the intervention of the Devil. 221
CHAP XLIX. — What happened to Don Lorenzo Xuares Gallinato, when he beheaded the renegade Priest. 227
CHAP L. — Concerning that which happened to Saladin and a Lady, wife of a Knight in his service.231