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From An Anthology of Italian Poems 13th-19th Century selected and translated by Lorna de’ Lucchi, Alfred A. Knopf, New York; 1922; pp. 16-19, 347-348.

[For purists, the Italian text of the poems follows the English translation.]


Notes and translation by Lorna de’ Lucchi


Biographical Note

CIACCO DELL’ ANGUILLAIA, a Florentine; and probably to be identified with the Ciacco of Dante’s Inferno (c. VI, 52), see also 348 Boccaccio (Decameron IX, 8); a gluttonous jester. The poem quoted is clearly modelled on the French Pastourelles.






O GEM so soft and rare,       O dainty little fay,
Thou dost more virtues wear      than any tongue can say;
By loveliness in thee,      by grace of God, O save,
Thou canst not help but see      that I am, love, they slave!


The earth hath many a gem,      the river and the sea,
And virtue strives with them,      though some they please, pardie!
But in these three nowhere,      O friend, have I a place:
Go, seek thy gem elsewhere      and in another face.


Madonna, too severe      is thy reply, I wot,
I have no ship to steer,      a diver I am not:
To search where thou hast told,      therefore I cannot go,
If aid thou dost withhold,      thy love will lay me low.


If thou to death dost cleave      because of this essay,
Then I will not believe      that love o’er thee had sway:
But should’st thou choose to pass      before the year is through,
I’ll have them say a mass      as other women do!


O dainty little lass,      save me from mortal pain,
For never did a Mass      bring dead men back again:
If thou would’st me console,      Madonna, do not tarry,
If I should die, my soul      I’d have no masses harry!


If thou from death wouldst flee,      thy thoughts are wildly cast,
All thou on earth dost see      must pass away at last:
But if a god art born,      I cannot run away;
Since altars have thy scorn,      respect the laws, I pray!

19 Lover

The altar I revere,      adored in Christian lands,
But let thy pity hear,      for I am in thy hands.
For God’s sake aid bestow,      I beg thee courteously,
Because full well I know      thou hast my life in fee!


Thou castest pity’s spell      with sweet and humble art,
Thy faith hath served thee well,      I love thee from my heart:
To teach me thou hast known,      pleading so skilfully,
Now I am all thine own,      what more would’st have of me?


Neither for gold nor place,      Madonna, do I care,
Commend me to the grace      of whom art well aware.
Lady, I ask of thee      this favour, only this,
Thou art his own, and he      knoweth my life is his.





O GEMMA lezïosa,      adorna villanella,
che se’ più vertudiosa      che non se ne favella,
per la vertute ch’ hai      per grazia del Segnore,
aiutami, che sai      ch’ i’ son tuo servo, amore.


Assai son gemme in terra,      ed in fiume ed in mare,
ch’ hanno vertute in guerra      e fanno altrui allegrare;
amico, io non son dessa      di quelle tre nessuna:
altrove va per essa,      e cercal altra persona.


Madonna, tropp’ è grave      la vostra risponsione:
chè io non aggio nave,      nè non son marangone
ch’ io sappia andar cercando      colà ove mi dite.
Per voi perisco amando      se no mi soccorrete.


Se perir ti dovessi      per questo cercamento,
non crederia ch’ avessi      in te ’namoramento.
Ma s’ tu credi morire      innanzi ch’ esca l’ anno,
per te fo messe dire,      come altre donne fanno.


Oi villanella adorna,      fa sì ch’ io non perisca;
chè l’ om morto non torna      per far poi cantar messa.
Si vuimi dar conforto,      Madonna, non tardare:
Quand’ odi ch’ i’ sia morto,      non far messa cantare.


Se morir non ti credi      molt’ hai folle credenza,
se quanto in terra vedi      trapassi per sentenza.
Ma s’ tu se’ dio terreni      non ti posso scampare:
guarda che leggi tieni      se non credi a l’ altare.

18 Amante

Per l’ altar mi richiamo,      che adoran li cristiani:
però merzè vi chiamo,      poi sono in vostre mani.
Pregovi in corestia      ch m’ aitate, per Dio,
perch’ io la vita mia      da voi conosca in fio.


Sì sai chieder merzede      con umiltà piagente;
giovar de’ ti la fede,      sì ami coralmente,
ha’ mi tanto predicata;      e sì saputo dire,
ch’ io mi sono accordata;      dimmi, che t’ è in piacere?


Madonna, a me non piace      castella nè monete:
fatemi far la pace      con quelli che sapete.
Questo adimando a vui      e facciovi fenita:
donna siete di lui      ed egli è la mia vita.


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