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Online Introduction to the English Translation

To augment the fourteenth century primary source material on Elfinspell begun with the incomparable Froissart, we add The Life of the Black Prince by the mysterious and modest Herald of Sir John Chandos.

This is an important document as it is the only source for the Spanish Expedition by the Black Prince to reinstate Pedro of Spain.  Froissart uses this material, sometimes verbatim, in his section on this period. Peter the Cruel's story is also here on Elfinspell.

The English translation by Pope and Lodge is already up on the web but it doesn't include the Historical Notes, the French text and the Introductory Matter.  Someday, the Middle French text will be up, when the Hair Shirt arrives, ordered for just such a task.

Here you go for  Herald Chandos' Life of the Black Prince.


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