
The map below has been made readable by Bill Thayer: iṯs enlarged, carefully colorized and adapted for viewing on the internet. A very good deed, for which I am extremely grateful.

He also has the definitive biography of R. E. Lee, by Douglas Freeman, on his website, along with a great deal of American History in little known areas.

The version in the magazine was absolutely illegible, but thanks to Bill's magic, you are able to read it perfectly. This is one of the rare times when the internet version is much, much better than the original picture which was scaled down for the use of the print magazine.

Click here to return to the article.

From the picture in The Pall Mall Magazine, Edited by Lord Frederic Hamilton, Vol. XII., May-August, 1897; London; p. 345.

Enlarged map of Central Virginia during the Civil War period, adapted and colorized for legibility on the net by Bill Thayer.

Enlarged Map of Central Virginia,
adapted for the internet by Bill Thayer.
© September, 2009.

Thumbnail version and article, available here.
(It will open in a new browser window.)

Click here to return to the article.
