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From The Lives of the Popes from the Time of our Saviour Jesus Christ to the Accession of Gregory VII. Written Originally in Latin by B. Platina, Native of Cremona, and translated into English (from an anonymous translation, first printed in 1685 by Sir Paul Rycaut), Edited by William Benham, Volume I, London: Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, [1888, undated in text]; pp. 249-250.

The Lives of the Popes,
B. Platina

Volume I.

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A.D. 939-942.

STEPHEN the Ninth, a German, coming to the papacy, was so molested by the Romans with factions, that he could do nothing remarkable; nay (as Martinus relates), they wounded him so foully in one tumult that he was ashamed to appear abroad. King Hugh prepared to avenge his quarrel, but died in the meantime, to whom succeeded his son, Lotharius, but he made no mention of the matter, either because he had a kindness for the citizens of Rome, or 250 because his reign was short, for he out-lived his father but two years. Otho, King of Germany, did now undertake to revenge the murder of Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia, upon Boleslaus, his brother, who had killed him, and marching against him, after several battles won and lost, at last took him captive. Stephen died when he had been Pope three years, four months, and twelve days. The see was vacant ten days.

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Previous Pope: 130. Leo VII. 139. Stephen IX. Next Pope: 132. Martin III.

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