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From An Anthology of Italian Poems 13th-19th Century selected and translated by Lorna de’ Lucchi, Alfred A. Knopf, New York; 1922; pp. 38-39, 349.

[For purists, the Italian text of the poems follows the English translation.]


Notes and translation by Lorna de’ Lucchi


Biographical Note

CECCO ANGIOLIERI, son of a banker, born in Siena; a merry fellow who tells us that “women, the tavern, and dice” are the best things in life; his sonnets, some 120 in number, are humorous, and fully bear out the above assertion. He knew Dante and corresponded with him.





IF I were fire, I’d burn the world; if wind,
Around about it furiously I’d blow;
If water, drowning it would suit my mind;
If God, then I’d dispatch it straight below;
If I were pope, I’d have a bit of fun
By setting Christians one against another;
If emp’ror, well, what think ye I’d have done?
All heads chopped off, and so an end to bother!
     I would go seek my father were I death;
But were I life from him I’d flee away;
And I’d behave the same towards my mother;
If Cecco, as I am and draw my breath,
I’d choose such ladies as are young and gay.
Leaving the old and ugly to another.


CECCO ANGIOLIERI, Secolo XIII, seconda metà


S’ i’ fosse foco, ardere’ il mondo;
s’ i’ fosse vento, lo tempesterei;
s’ i’ fosse acqua, io l’ anegherei;
s’ i’ fosse dio, mandereil en profondo;
s’ i’ fosse papa, sare’ alor giocondo,
chè tutt’ i cristïani imbrigherei;
s’ i’ fosse ’imperator, sa’ che farei?
a tutti mozarei lo capo a tondo.
     S’ i’ fosse morte, andarei da mio padre;
s’ i’ fosse vita, fugirei da lui;
similmente faría di mi’ madre.
S’ i’ fosse Cecco com’ i’ sono e fui,
torei le donne giovani e legiadre,
e vecchie e laide lasserei altrui.


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